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How to embed YouTube Videos in MDX Using Next.js

How to embed YouTube Videos in MDX Using Next.js

Let's learn how to embed YouTube videos in your MDX Next.js blog with a Custom Component.

1) YouTube Component

I store all code related to markdown in src/components/mdx folder.
Let's create a new file called youtube.tsx in that folder.

// src/components/mdx/youtube.tsx
export default function YouTube({ id }: { id: string }) {
  return (
    <div className='border-2 border-black'>
        className='aspect-video w-full'
        title='YouTube Video Player'

Let's understand the above code:

  • Takes a required single prop id which is the YouTube video ID.
  • Returns a div with a border and an iframe that embeds the YouTube video.
  • The IFrame URL is constructed using the video ID.


To make the IFrame responsive, add the aspect-video w-full classnames
to the IFrame within a div.

2) Add Component to MDX Provider

Next, we need to add the YouTube component to the MDX Provider.
I am using Contentlayer for my blog, so I will use the getMDXComponent function to create the MDX component.

import { getMDXComponent } from 'next-contentlayer2/hooks';
import YouTube from './youtube'; 
interface MarkdownProps { code: string }
const Mdx = ({ code }: MarkdownProps) => {
  const MDXContent = getMDXComponent(code);
  return (
    <article className='prose mx-auto w-full'>
      <MDXContent components={{YouTube}} />
export default Mdx;

Breakdown of the above code:

  • We import the newly created YouTube component.
  • We create an MDX component using the getMDXComponent function.
  • We pass the YouTube component to the MDXContent component.

How you use the component may differ based on your MDX setup.
Check below to find documentation for your setup:

3) Usage in MDX

Now you can use the YouTube component in your MDX files.

<YouTube id='dQw4w9WgXcQ' />

Above code will create the following result:


You can find the video ID in the YouTube video URL.
eg:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ -> ID: dQw4w9WgXcQ