Regex Cheatsheet 101: Your Ticket to Regex Mastery

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Regex Cheatsheet 101: Your Ticket to Regex Mastery

Master regex and handle strings like a pro! This cheatsheet simplifies key concepts and expressions, making learning regex fun and easy.

# Regex Cheatsheet 101

Are you tired of trying to make sense of regex? Don't worry, you're not alone! Regex is like a secret language that only a select few seem to understand.
We've got you covered with our Regex Cheatsheet 101!

# Anchors

They are like brothers in arms, they from the beginning to the end. Use them to match patterns only at the beginning or end of a line, or to specify word boundaries.

# Character Classes

Character classes are like a VIP club for regex. They let you specify which characters are allowed in your pattern and which are not. It's like telling regex, "Hey, only these characters get into the party!"

# Quantifiers

Quantifiers are like the picky eaters of regex, they'll only match a specific number of characters. Use them to specify how many times a pattern should be repeated, or to match a range of characters.

# Special Characters

Special characters are like the secret agents of regex. They have hidden powers that can match any character, any digit, any whitespace, or even any non-printable character. Use them to add some spice to your pattern.

# Assertions

Assertions are like the truth detectors of regex. They let you test if a pattern exists at a specific position in the string, without actually matching the pattern. Use them to make sure your pattern is where it's supposed to be.

# Groups and Capture

Groups and capture are like the cheerleaders of regex. They help you group parts of your pattern together and capture them for later use. It's like creating a dance routine for your pattern to follow

# Alternation

Alternation is like playing matchmaker for your regex. It lets you match one pattern or another, but not both. Use it to give your pattern some options and make sure it's happy.

# Flags

Flags are like the superhero costumes of regex. They change how your pattern matches, like making it case-insensitive, or multi-line. Use them to give your pattern some extra powers and help it save the day.

# Family Friendly Examples