Basic System Commands
Command | Description |
cat | displays the contents of a file |
pwd | displays the current working directory |
cd | changes the current directory |
ls | lists the contents of a directory |
cp | copies files and directories |
mv | moves or renames files and directories |
rm | removes files and directories |
mkdir | creates a new directory |
rmdir | removes an empty directory |
chmod | changes the permissions of a file or directory |
ps | displays information about running processes |
top | displays real-time information about system usage |
kill | terminates a process |
shutdown | shuts down the system |
File Commands
Command | Description |
ls | lists the files of a directory |
ls -l | lists the files of a directory in long format |
ls -a | lists all files of a directory, including hidden |
pwd | displays the current working directory |
cd | changes the current directory |
cd ~ | changes the current directory to the home directory |
cd .. | changes the current directory to the parent |
cd - | changes the current directory to the previous |
cd / | changes the current directory to the root |
mkdir | creates a new directory with the specified name |
rmdir | removes the directory with the specified name |
touch | creates a new file with the specified name |
cp | copies files and directories |
mv | moves or renames files and directories |
rm | removes files and directories |
rm -r | removes files and directories recursively |
rm -f | removes files and directories forcefully |
rm -rf | removes files and directories forcefully recursively |
File Permissions
Command | Description |
chmod 777 file | Gives Read, Write and Execute permissions to everyone |
chmod 755 file | Give read, write, and execute permission to owner, and read and execute permission to group and others |
chmod 644 file | Give read and write permission to owner, and read permission to group and others |
chown user file | changes the owner of a file |
chown user:group file | changes the owner and group of a file |
chmod u+x file | gives execute permission to the owner |
chmod g+x file | gives execute permission to the group |
Users and Groups
Command | Description |
id | displays the user and group IDs |
id user | displays the user and group IDs for a specific user |
whoami | displays the current user |
who | displays who is logged on |
who -a | displays who is logged on and what they are doing |
last | displays the last logged in users |
adduser user | adds a new user |
usermod -aG group user | adds a user to a group |
groupadd group | adds a new group |
userdel user | deletes a user |
usermod | modifies a user account |
chgrp group file | changes the group ownership of a file |
Package Management (Needs sudo
Command | Description |
apt update | updates the package lists |
apt upgrade | upgrades the installed packages |
apt install package | installs a package |
apt remove package | removes a package |
apt autoremove | removes packages that are no longer needed |
apt search package | searches for a package |
apt purge package | removes a package and its configuration files |
apt clean | removes downloaded package files |
apt autoclean | removes old downloaded package files |
Command | Description |
ssh user@host | connects to a remote host using SSH |
ssh -p port user@host | connects to a remote host using SSH on a specific port |
ssh-keygen | generates a new SSH key pair |
ssh-copy-id user@host | copies the SSH key to the remote host |
ssh -i key user@host | connects to a remote host using a specific SSH key |
scp file user@host: | copies a file to a remote host |
System Info
Command | Description |
uname | print system information |
uname -a | displays all system information |
uname -r | displays the kernel release |
uname -m | displays the machine hardware name |
uname -n | displays the network node hostname |
hostname | displays the network node hostname |
hostname -I | displays All IP address |
uptime | displays how long the system has been running |
whoami | displays the current user |
df | displays the amount of disk space available |
man | displays manual page |
Privilege Escalation
Command | Description |
sudo | allows a user to execute a command as the superuser |
su | allows a user to execute a command as another user |
sudo su | allows a user to execute a command as the superuser |
sudo -i | allows a user to execute a command as the superuser |
sudo -u | allows a user to execute a command as another user |
sudo -l | allows a user to list the allowed commands |
Command | Description |
tar -cvf archive.tar | creates a new archive |
tar -xvf archive.tar | extracts files from an archive |
tar -tvf archive.tar | lists the contents of an archive |
tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz | creates a new compressed archive |
zip file | creates a new archive in ZIP format |
unzip | extracts files from an archive in ZIP format |
Command | Description |
grep pattern file | searches for a pattern in a file |
grep -r pattern dir | searches for a pattern in a directory recursively |
grep -v pattern file | searches for all lines that do not contain a pattern |
grep -i pattern file | searches case-insensitively for a pattern in a file |
grep -l pattern file | displays the names of files that contain a pattern |
locate file | searches for a file in the database |
find dir -name file | searches for a file in a directory |
find . | searches for files in the current directory |
find / -name file | searches for a file in the entire system |
find / -name file -type f | searches for a file in the entire system for file types |
Process Management
Command | Description |
ps | displays your currently active processes |
ps -ef | displays all processes |
top | displays all processes |
kill pid | kills the process with the specified process ID |
killall process | kills all processes with the specified name |
bg | List and resume stopped jobs in the background |
fg | Bring the most recently suspended job to the foreground |
Command | Description |
ifconfig | displays the network interfaces |
ifconfig -a | displays all network interfaces |
ifconfig eth0 | displays the network interface eth0 |
iwconfig | displays the wireless network interfaces |
systemctl stop NetworkManager | stops the NetworkManager service |
systemctl start NetworkManager | starts the NetworkManager service |
systemctl restart NetworkManager | restarts the NetworkManager service |
whois domain | displays whois information for a domain |
dig domain | performs DNS lookup for a domain |
host domain | performs DNS lookup for a domain |
nslookup domain | performs DNS lookup for a domain |
ping domain | pings a domain and displays the result |
Keyboard Shortcuts
Command | Description |
Ctrl + C | Stops the current command |
Ctrl + Z | Backgrounds the current command |
Ctrl + D | Logs out the current user |
Ctrl + A | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line |
Ctrl + E | Moves the cursor to the end of the line |
Ctrl + L | Clears the terminal screen |
Ctrl + Shift + C | Copies the selected text |
Ctrl + Shift + V | Pastes the selected text |
Ctrl + Shift + T | Opens a new tab in the current window |
Ctrl + Shift + N | Opens a new window in the current session |
Ctrl + Shift + Q | Closes the current window |
!! | Repeats the previous command |
exit | Exits the current shell |