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Beautify Your GitHub Profile like a Pro

Beautify Your GitHub Profile like a Pro

Add a README.md

What is the first thing people see when they come to your Github profile?

Your Bio section.

So how can we make a good bio that stands out?

First things first, we create the needed repository.

Head to github.com/new and create a repo with your username as the repo name.
For example if your username is AcidOP then you must name the repo as AcidOP.

Create Repo

If all has been well you should see the following in your screen:

Special Repo

Now in the repo create a file called README.md.
Anything you put in this file will be displayed in your github profile.

Use your creativity

This is your place to shine ✨

Learn some markdown and put it to good use.

Add a beautiful header 👇


  1. Head to leviarista.github.io.
  2. Customize the banner to your liking.
  3. Download the banner and upload it to github.
  4. Add the line in the beginning of your readme.md:

Add icons in your Github Bio 👇

Who doesn't love colorful visuals?

Skill Icons is an amazing source of free icons.

Just add the following line:
![My Skills](https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=js,html,css,wasm)

Change the ?i=js,html,css to a list of your skills separated by ,.
Find the full list of icons here.

Add statistics in your Github bio 👇

Paste the following in your Readme:

Replace <USERNAME> with your github username

  1. Overall Stats:


    Here you can also customize the theme with the API.

  2. Total Contributions and streaks:

    Go to github-readme-streak-stats.
    Enter your username.
    Paste the given link in your readme: ![](LINK_HERE)

  3. Top languages used:


    github-readme-stats also supports other stats as well.

  4. Visitor Count:


    You can also change the color with the API.

My 2 cents:

  • Keep all text short and to the point
  • Use relevant images or gifs to make it more engaging
  • Add links to your best projects and social media profiles
  • DONT make it way too flashy

AcidOP's Repo

Pin Best Repositories

Pinned Repos

How can you show off your best projects?

  • Pin them into your github bio.
    Gives your visitors a quick insights into your skills and interests.
  1. Click on Customize your pins on the top right. (See in the above image)
  2. Select you best projects

Contribute to projects

How can you build a strong presence on GitHub?

Contribution is key to showing you are an active and passionate member of the developer community.

You will add to the community as well as increase your network with other developers.

Contribution Graph

Here are 4 ways you can contribute:

  • Find repositories that need help
  • Add more to the libraries you already use
  • Create your own open source project
  • Report bugs and suggest improvements


Spam is a common technique for some developers to contribute, but it's best to stay away from it as it can harm your reputation and cause the project maintainer needless trouble.

Good GitHub Bio Section

The GitHub bio section is a brief introduction about yourself that appears at the top of your profile.

It is important to keep it simple yet engaging.

Here are 3 tips to write a good bio:

  • Use keywords that describe your skills and expertise
  • Mention your current job title or what you are studying
  • Add a touch of humor to make it more interesting


Additional Pro tips:


Profile Readme Builders

There are 5 automated readme builders for free:

  1. gh-profile-readme-generator
  2. profile-readme-generator.com
  3. profilinator.rishav.dev
  4. makeread.me
  5. GPRM

You can check out my Github profile for some inspiration.

In conclusion, these tips will help you beautify your GitHub profile and make it stand out from the crowd. Remember to keep it updated, engaging and relevant to your skills and interests. Happy coding!